war machine

美 [wɔːr məˈʃiːn]英 [wɔː(r) məˈʃiːn]
  • 网络战争机器;战争武器
war machinewar machine


the military forces of a nation
their military is the largest in the region
the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker
Synonym: military armed forces armed services military machine


  1. The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill Linz .


  2. How could you want to serve the corrupt American war machine ?


  3. Yet an integral part of the Imperial War machine ;


  4. They want what they call " the Israeli war machine " .


  5. Its formidable war machine had been to a large degree parasitic .


  6. Then gradually evolved from the simple war machine tools , business tool for academic .


  7. You will even find War Machine , who isn 't even really in the movie that long .


  8. The situation was out of our hands and the war machine ground on towards disaster .


  9. His war machine had mowed down resistance in most of Europe .


  10. The primary objective of any Western offensive would be to neuter their war machine .


  11. The USSR for breaking the might of the Nazi war machine .


  12. The railway yards at Rouen keep the German war machine alive .


  13. The Allies finally smashed the Nazi war machine .


  14. " Manchester United were a war machine and they have slowed down ," Capello said .


  15. Bearing down on New York City , the ultimate war machine of its day , the British ship - of - the-line .


  16. TIE pilots learn to view themselves as individually expendable , yet an integral part of the Imperial war machine .


  17. The oil companies and the banks , the war machine , these are all suspects in the woes America is suffering from .


  18. You are the commander of the latest , deadly war machine developed in a secret NATO reasearch facility - RAPTOR .


  19. An animation of a War Machine suit can also be seen in the closing credits with a Gatling gun attached on a shoulder .


  20. These battleship officers , like most people , were callowly inclined to admire and overestimate the Nazi war machine .


  21. For all the Confederacy 's commitment , its inferior logistical infrastructure has been no match for the North 's unstoppable war machine .


  22. In company with our brave allies and brothers in arms on other fronts , you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine .


  23. So , write a book , admit to supporting torture and make obscene profits on the war machine , what 's not to like about Cheney ?


  24. Hence we focus on manipulable or controllable war-causes . The situation was out of our hands and the war machine ground on towards disaster .


  25. Newer exhibits in Hiroshima have reminded visitors that the city was no random target , but a buzzing manufacturing hub of the Japanese war machine .


  26. If you selected the " war machine " is a computer game player and , if you choose " all war " can be carried out of the game between two players .


  27. Though , the uber-industrious Germans were less concerned with catching butterflies on a fine summer evening than they were with saving coal to feed the war machine .


  28. In Lincoln 's hands , the 24000 miles of railroad tracks in the North becomes an arm of his war machine . But the South has a far smaller network .


  29. Yet museum exhibits nearby were largely silent on what led to that horror , a Japanese war machine that tore through Asia for a decade before the morning that changed the history of the 20th century .


  30. Tony 's friend Col. James ' Rhodey ' Rhodes ( Don Cheadle ) has his Iron Patriot suit , which is a War Machine suit with upgrades and fresh paint .
